Chinese Pancake Recipe

Chinese pancakes have been used in Chinese cuisine for years. The standard Chinese pancake is often served with Peking duck and moo shu pork as a wrapper, a delicious and easy way to eat these great traditional dishes. Chinese pancakes aren’t the typical pancakes that we eat for breakfast and drizzle with maple syrup. Rather than a runny batter, these pancakes come from a dough that requires rolling rather than pouring.

This recipe is quite easy. Just a few ingredients are required and maybe a little patience with the rolling pin to get the pancakes as thin as they should be. There are a few variations on how to prepare the actual pancake and those will be addressed after the recipe.

Chinese Pancake Recipe Ingredients

½ cup of boiling water
1-1/2 cups of flour
Extra flour for rolling the pancakes
A pinch of salt
2 tablespoons of cold water
2 tablespoons of sesame oil


1. Mix together the flour, salt, and boiling water.

2. Add the cold water.

3. Stir until it is mixed together well.

4. On a surface sprinkled with flour, knead the dough until it is completely smooth. This should take about 10 minutes.

5. Cover the dough with plastic and let it rest for ½-hour. Resting the dough allows it to stiffen up so that it does not tear when rolling it.

6. Separate the dough in half and then cut each of the halves into 5 pieces.

7. Roll each of these pieces into a small ball.

8. On the floured surface, use a rolling pin to roll each ball into pancakes that are 3 inches wide. You might need to rub a little flour on the rolling pin so that the pancakes don’t stick to it.

9. Using a pastry brush, brush five of the pancakes with the sesame oil and then top those with a second pancake.

10. Roll these layered pancakes until they are 8 inches in diameter. Rolling the pancakes together like this allows them to stay moist.

11. Heat a heavy skillet. Do not use any oil or butter. The skillet must be dry.

12. Cook the pancakes on each side until they are full of air pockets and appear dry. Don’t allow them to brown.

13. Remove the pancakes and peel them apart.

14. Place them on a plate and cover them with plastic while you cook the remaining pancakes.

These pancakes can easily be reheated in the microwave right before serving time. Be sure to cover them with plastic.

Chinese Pancake Variations

Rather than making the dough into balls and then rolling each ball with the rolling pin into the 3-inch pancake, you can take half the dough and roll it out until it is about ¼ inch thick. Then use a cookie cutter to cut the 3-inch circles of dough. Repeat with the second half of the dough.

Some people place the rolled out pancakes on a baking sheet and bake at 325 to 350 degrees for about 2 minutes, then flip them and bake another 2 minutes on the second side.

You can also add some finely diced green onions to your dough and will have a green onions Chinese pancake recipe. The pancakes are good enough to be eaten alone like this.

20.02.2010. 10:03


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