More than any other food
bring me back to my childhood. When I was a kid they were my favourite. In fact, for a year or two I ate pancakes almost every morning for breakfast. How cool is that :)?
It's no wonder I grew up to be a pancakes fan. But on the other hand it took me a really long time to learn how to make pancakes myself. I guess I just never paid attention when my grandma was making pancakes batter. They just appeared on the table and the quickly disappeared again lol. But when I got a little older I decided that it's about time I make my first pancakes. And I soon figured out they are really easy to make. And this is what this site is meant for - for all the people that want to make pancakes - here you will find simple, easy, anyone can do it pancake recipes.
Comments (0) 02.11.2009. 15:12
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